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31 posts from October 2010

October 31, 2010

Don't forget:


We have a Gymnastics seminar Nov 20th


Billy's last classes will be on Wednesday however the good news will be that he is doing a Seminar at CF Santa Clara on Saturday. More info to come. 


I will be traveling on the East Coast for a little while at the annual Trainer's Summit which is where all of the Crossfit Certification staff goes to learn new info from the best instructors in each category of sports. I'll keep everyone posted with some cool pics. 

Please feel free to email me with any questions or concern's. 




Workout for Tomorrow:



Heavy Front Squat's


Go for a new 1 Rep Max!!!!!!



5 Rounds for time of:


5 Clean and Jerk's @ 135#'s

7 Pull Up's


This one should be quick and crazy! 




A huge thank you to Jojo and Trevor for creating the below video for us! 


October 30, 2010


Barbells for Boobs 2010!


Labor day 021


A big thank you to all of those who came out and supported Mammograms in Action.


Huge shout out to all of those who hit Personal Records today!!!!!! I believe pretty much every person I talked to said they hit a PR....badass!!!!!!!


Labor day 001


Craig workin for it!!!!!!!!

Labor day 019 



Schedule for Tomorrow:



11:00am Team workout with Sal



October 29, 2010

Tomorrow we will NOT have a 9:00am class.



Tomorrow is our Barbells for Boobs fundraiser. Please feel free to come even if you have not donated, no worries. Simply come and lift a barbell for some boobs.



Game Plan for tomorrow:


The event starts at 11:00am, we will warm up and review technique on the clean and jerk. I will also give a few little hints that I use when doing "Grace." After this goes down the first heats will begin.


It will basically be like a regular class only the workout will be in honor of breast cancer awareness month with the goal of raising money for those who can not afford a mammogram. 




The Workout for Tomorrow is:




30 Clean and Jerks for time at 135#'s





Mobility! Everyday you guys warm up dynamically with the intent of increasing your core body temperature and taking your body through a full range of motion to prepare for the workout ahead. Don't forget about your post workout mobility as well. Stay after, stretch, roll out, and relax upstairs. Make sure to visit mobilitywod.blogspot.com as well for helpful tips.


Labor day 071



October 28, 2010

Few reminders:


1) This weekend we will have Barbells for Boobs on Sat at 11:00am, we will not have our normal 9:00am intro session as a result. Please feel free to bring friends at 11:00am.


2) Please do not forget to send your name and email to [email protected] for our mailing list.



Jaime working with the Kid's Class....the Kid's classes will be offered almost everyday at 4:30pm, new schedule coming soon.


Labor day 067

Workin for it!!!!!!!

 Labor day 068

The 5:30pm crew...notice that badass camera angle I used.

Labor day 069

The 6:30pm crew

Labor day 070




Workout for Tomorrow:



Max rounds in 5 minutes of:


10 KB Snatches right arm

10 KB Snatches left arm

10 Pull Up's


Rest 1 Minute then:


Max rounds in 5 minutes of:


10 KB Swings

5 Pull Ups


Use a weight that is challenging but doable, you can change your weight if needed between sets. There will be significant pressure on your wrist if you allow the KB to slam you tomorrow, please be aware of this and focus on the technique we teach before hand.




I'll keep posting these Tahoe Video's...there fun to watch!


Event 6 at the Team Rogue Vs. Team Again Faster Tahoe Throwdown - video [wmv] [mov]

Event 7 at the Team Rogue Vs. Team Again Faster Tahoe Throwdown - video

[wmv] [mov]


October 27, 2010

Schedule for Sat:


There will be no 9:00am intro class, instead please feel free to bring your friends at 11:00am for our Barbells for Boobs event!



Please EMAIL YOUR CONTACT INFO to [email protected]

We are trying to put together an email list to send out important info and changes in our schedule.



I came across this pic and thought it was awesome! One of the best things about Crossfit is the community. I try my best to create this atmosphere by having the chill lounge upstairs and community events. However the event below and many other's I have nothing to do with. It's great to see everyone hanging out together. A Crossfit gym is not only a great place to get fit but also meet new people, network, and possible find your future wife/husband ha.





Workout for Tomorrow:


Lets make it the Thursday Surpirse!


I will be teaching every class tomorrow other than the 6:30pm regular class due to the On Ramp and 9:00am due to a conference call.  

We will check out how many people come in, what the crew is "feelin" and have some fun. 



October 26, 2010


I will be updating you guys soon with smaller upcoming events such as "group dinners" and other social events. I am traveling all of the time but will work hard to go to these.



PLEASE EMAIL [email protected] with your name and email address. Our goal is to start an email list so that we can better inform you of any class schedule changes and upcoming events.



On Nov 20th Coach Carl Paoli will be coming to CFSC and doing a gymnastics workshop. Carl is badass, check out his name on youtube. He also helped me get my first back flip in 13 minutes which is awesome.




You will be taught a wide variety of movements and techniques, including these and others:

  • Strength and conditioning
  • Hand balancing
  • Rings
  • Bar
  • Basic rolls and tumbling
  • Freestyle movement
  • Trampolining


For more information please visit:







Workout for Tomorrow:


Power Clean for at least 10 minutes.... You don't have to go heavy. Simply try and get better at something. It could be the first pull (deadlift) second pull (jump, scoop) or third pull (dropping under the bar, fast elbows).



As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:


7   Toes to Bar

10  Walking lunges w/ 45# plate held overhead (not on the head)

7  Ring Dips


October 25, 2010

Haven't came in for a while??? Get back in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I hope a few of you had an opportunity to get better today at the movements.


I will be back in town on Wends night. Please feel free to email me if you have any questions or concerns. In addition if you have any good feedback on what we can do better please let me know at anytime!



Workout for Tomorrow:


Bench Press time. I know I know....we have to do it sometimes, I know how much a few of you love it.


Game plan.....Find a few friends to bench with, pick a weight that seems moderate. A weight that you can do 7-10 times in a row. Get in a line, have a few spotters and hit your sets hard. The movement should be controlled but fast. You should continue until your speed starts to slow down and you pause anywhere. The movement is quick and effective, continue for 5 sets each. This should be about 40-50 reps.


5 Rounds for time of:


7 Push Ups

7 Pull Ups

7 Shoulder to Overhead w/ either 2 45# db's, 1   2 pood KB, or 1 barbell with 115#s on it. Your choice!  



Check out the video below. This was from the event I was at a few days ago. Cloooooseeeee Finish! 



Video Downloads

Event 2 At The Team Rogue Vs. Team Again Faster Tahoe Throwdown

Download as QuickTime.
Download as Windows Media.



October 24, 2010

A few notes on the Barbells for Boobs/ Mammograms in Action Event on October 30th at 11:00am.


Please visit:




For more information and to sign up.


Earlier I had made a post and many of you expressed interest in the special Breast Cancer Awareness CFSC shirt we are going to make. Originally I wanted this made before the event on the 30th however after more consideration we will put them out in Mid Novemeber.


If you donate $35 or more to Barbells for Boobs you get a shirt, I want to encourage each of you to do this before buying one of our limited edition shirts ($5 from each shirt goes to Mammograms in Action as well).


In a nut shell. Go on to the website, register, get a shirt and kick some ass on the 30th!!!!!!!!!! The workout will be Grace which is 30 clean and jerks at 135/95 for time. This can obviously be scaled as well.



Workout for Tomorrow:


Monday! Start off the week right!


7 Sets of 2 (speed squats)


These should be done at a comfortable weight but performed as fast as possible while still being under control and using proper techinque and range of motion.


Max rounds in 10 minutes of:


7 Snatch grip deadlifts @ 95#'s

7 Hang power Snatches @ 95#'s

7 Overhead Squats @ 95#'s 


This is not only going to be a great workout but also a good opportunity to get better at the movements.


Rest as needed


Sprint 200 meters all out!!!!!!!




October 23, 2010

Schedule for Tomorrow:


11:00am Team Workout



Workout for Tomorrow:


Team workout made up on the spot by Sal



The Friday crew doing their thing!!!! Great turnout





October 22, 2010


Schedule for Saturday.


Crossfit Santa  Clara and Mountain View come together to start their day off right. We have a class at 9:00am.


Melinda has changed the mobility to Sunday at 10:00am



Saturday is our 9:00am free session, feel free to bring a friend.



Workout for Tomorrow:


Partner up.....


1 person pushes the prowler while the other goes for max reps of wall ball shots. 200 wall balls is the goal!


Alex will adjust the weight of the prowler and reps if needed. If all of the prowler's are taken up Alex may also switch it up with something else.



Welcome to the Muscle Up club gentlemen!!!!!


IMG_0611 IMG_0612 IMG_0613 IMG_0614


A note from Sam at Crossfit West Santa Cruz if anyone would like to compete tomorrow at their new facility


Athlete check-in is at 9:30 and it all gets going at 10. If you are interested in competing in the Olympic lifting division or the WOD, or both, you must pre-register (follow this link).  We would also love volunteers.  Please post to Comments below if you are willing to volunteer.

The standards for the Olympic lifts are very loose.  Each lift must start on the ground and end with the feet together, legs straight, and the bar locked out overhead and under control.  On the snatch, the bar cannot touch the shoulders (ie, a wide grip clean and press), and the lifter must endeavor to do the lift in one fluid motion.  Each competitor will have 20 minutes to find their heaviest lifts.  The 20 minutes can be broken up between the two lifts (snatch and c&j) any way the athlete chooses.

The WOD will consist of a classic CrossFit triplet of power cleans, pullups, and squats.  The rep scheme and clean weight will be announced at the event on Saturday.  The standards for the WOD are established CrossFit standards.  On the clean, the bar (plates) must touch the floor between reps and the legs must be straight with the elbows in front of the bar upon completion of the rep.  On the pullups, the chin must clear the horizontal plane of the bar and the arms must straighten at the bottom. On the squats, the top of the hip crease must break the horizontal plane of the knee, and the legs and hips must come to full extension at the top. Again, there are no surprises when it comes to the standards, and every CrossFitter should be intimately familiar with them.

The WOD will have two divisions–RX’d and scaled.  The WOD can be scaled in any fashion the competitor wishes, such as weight on the cleans, box or band on the pullups, depth on the squats, or whatever.  Only those doing the WOD as prescribed are eligible for prizes.

The purpose of the Olympic lifting competition is to lift heavy and have fun.  The purpose of the WOD competition is to work hard and have fun. These competitions are for everybody and anybody, no matter your experience or fitness level.  No one is getting rich or a sponsorship with Nike or a date with Jocelyn (she is married), and all the proceeds go to Santa Cruz youth sports in the name of CrossFit.  So sign up and have fun.

Please click here for more info