We put our rope up!
I hope you guys all enjoyed today's workout. It's funny, the harder the workout, the more complaining I get from you guys....but then the more of you that show up??? I think you guys are addicted.
The On Ramp Crew
The Power Lifting Class (Brian was doing a drop set...the face is priceless)
Eduardo is visiting us from Chile if you see him around say hello
Workout for Tomorrow:
Lift Heavy Objects from the floor to a standing position....aka...Deadlift in sets of 3 for 5-7 work sets
4 Rounds of:
Max Ground to Overhead in 1 minute
Rest 30 seconds
Max KB Swings in 1 minute
Rest 30 seconds
These are all out efforts, when I do these types of workouts I do my absolute best on the first set and work my ass off to try and get close to that for each round after.
thanks jason for all, you are a really good person, and a big teacher and sport guy!!!!
i feel me really good
muchas gracias amigo
Posted by: eduardo | November 30, 2010 at 09:38 PM
Probably isn't good promotion for our lifting heavy shit class Jason haha
Posted by: Brian W. | November 30, 2010 at 11:03 PM