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November 30, 2010


We put our rope up!


I hope you guys all enjoyed today's workout. It's funny, the harder the workout, the more complaining I get from you guys....but then the more of you that show up??? I think you guys are addicted.




Pics 017

The On Ramp Crew

Pics 018

The Power Lifting Class (Brian was doing a drop set...the face is priceless)

Pics 016 Pics 015 Pics 013 Pics 012 Pics 010

Eduardo is visiting us from Chile if you see him around say hello

Pics 011




Workout for Tomorrow:



Lift Heavy Objects from the floor to a standing position....aka...Deadlift in sets of 3 for 5-7 work sets



4 Rounds of:


Max Ground to Overhead in 1 minute 

Rest 30 seconds 

Max KB Swings in 1 minute 

Rest 30 seconds 



These are all out efforts, when I do these types of workouts I do my absolute best on the first set and work my ass off to try and get close to that for each round after.



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thanks jason for all, you are a really good person, and a big teacher and sport guy!!!!
i feel me really good
muchas gracias amigo

Probably isn't good promotion for our lifting heavy shit class Jason haha

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