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30 posts from November 2010

November 20, 2010

Hope everyone is having a great weekend! 


Schedule for tomorrow:


10am mobility class at Crossfit Santa Clara

11am team workout at CrossFit Santa Clara


We had a busy day at the gym. We had 40 Marine recruits trying CrossFit for the first time, the 9am intro class, and the gymnastics seminar. Awesome day.




The gymnastics seminar was great! Coach Carl touched on many concepts in gymnastics ranging from a hollow core position, handstands and handstand pushups, pistol squats, pull-ups, muscle-ups, and even backflips!!!

Everyone made huge improvements on their gymnastics skills. The most important aspect of the seminar was understanding the skill transfer from these gymnastics moves to Crossfit and other sports. Many of you will see drastic improvements in their overall performance due to practicing and having a better understanding of these skills.


Picture of the Gymnastics seminar. 



Don't forget about the Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning!!!




Workout for tomorrow:


Team Workout designed by Sal

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November 19, 2010

I hope everyone has a great weekend!!!

Funny fact of the day. I was on a flight to Dallas with Brett Michaels today.


Schedule for Tomorrow:

7:30am Open Gym

9:00am  Free Intro Class with Alex

9:00am  Gymnastics Seminar with Carl (this will begin upstairs until the class is over)

Clllllasssssiiccccc video if you haven't seen it watch then entire video.





Workout For Tomorrow:

10 rounds for time of:

7 Wall Ball Shots
7 Push Ups


Been doing Crossfit for a while and want to spice it up a bit. Do double squat wall ball shots while it's in the air and release at the bottom of your push up.



November 18, 2010

I hope everyone enjoyed that treat today! 


Our new shirts will be here on Monday! They will be in several different colors which should be awesome. 


Schedule for Saturday:


9:00am Intro to Crossfit Class

9:00am Gymnastics Seminar (this is a separate paid event)


Schedule for Sunday:


10:00am Mobility class with Melinda at CFSC

11:00am Team workout with Sal





The start


The finish



Workout for Tomorrow:



Deadlift Heavy....feeling good...go for a Personal Best!!


Max rounds in 4 minutes of:


10 KB Swings @ 2 pood

10 deadlift's with the KB


Rest 30 seconds and repeat for a total of 3 rounds




November 17, 2010

If you have not sent your email address to Jaime please do so for our "upcoming events"

[email protected]




The Silicon Valley Turkey Trot will be awesome! Please sign up for a great event.


Tomorrow we will have a 9:00am class and Power lifting class at 7:30pm. For tomorrow's class we will work:

Squat 5-3-1 style starting with 5's this should be 70%, 75%, and 80% of your 90% 1RM.....afterwards we will discuss and work with light loads the box squat and do some supplemental Glute Ham Raises.




Rick working with the 5:30pm class





Workout for Tomorrow:



A little bit of this, a little bit of that:


Row 500 meter's 

Max reps Ground to Overhead @ 155#'s (something just a tad spicy)

Run 400 meter's


Total time allowed for this workout is 10 minutes. Your score is your total reps of ground to overhead. I truly want to know how many you get...40 should be doable for sure. 


Here's the catch:

Leave too early for the run and you miss more reps

Leave too late for the run and you don't make it back in time



Getting back with more than 20 seconds on the clock= immediate 20 burpees

Getting back with the clock past 10:10 minutes= immediate 20 burpees.

Goal= get back within 20 seconds of 10 minutes


This workout may change a tad bit tomorrow depending on how it plays out. 



November 16, 2010

Loved the comments!!!!!



Please remember that Coach Carl will be here on Sat for a one day Gymnastics Seminar. To sign up please visit:




Also, please remember to sign up for the San Jose Turkey Trot





Just ordered in a 30ft rope to hang outside! Should be pretty awesome. We are also going to get in a few more benches. 




Father and daughter doing there thing!



Come check out the chill spot sometime!

Labor day 043

Happened to take this pic and it looks like everyone is posing for me but they all just happened to be on Pull Ups at the same time.

Labor day 044

Don't forget to work some mobility after your workouts (yes I know the technique is off, this was not the intention here)

Labor day 045

The 5:30pm crew

Labor day 046

The Power Lifting aka lift heavy sh#$ class getting down!


A note about the power lifting class:


Tuesday we will work the bench and possibly a deadlift or work more upper body as a dynamic effort.

Thursday's we will work the back squat and shoulder press or more squats as a dynamic effort.



Workout for Tomorrow:



Split Jerk Heavy in singles!!!! Feeling good....hit a new PR!!!!


Fast but effective!


40 Box Jumps 

20 Push Press @ 135#'s

1 Prowler Push (there and back)

30 Box Jumps

10 Push Press @ 135#'s

2 Prowler Pushes (there and back twice)

20 Box Jumps

5 Push Press @ 135#'s

3 Prowler Pushes



Still one of my favorite videos ever!!! 

November 15, 2010

I have a question for everyone:


What is your favorite Thanksgiving dish??????


Please post to comments!!!!


I'll start....I love stuffing! 





Please remember that tomorrow starts our 7:30pm powerlifting class. Please be familiar with Wendler's 5-3-1 System.


We also have a 9:00am class, I really do not want to cancel this class, please show up if you are interested in that time. 




Labor day 040

 A little box squat technique work

Labor day 041

Jaime and the kids....I'm not sure what the heck he does with those guys but their loving it!!

Labor day 042

This is seriously what some of the 4:30pm class looked like after the workout.....haha love it! Photo

Part of the 6:30pm crew





Workout for Tomorrow:



Body weight bananza!!!!


Max Rounds in 7 minutes of:


7 Push Up's 

10 Sit Up's (anchored preferred for speed)


Immediately after:


Max Rounds in 7 minutes of:


4 Pull Ups

8 Jumping Lunges 




Speaking of body weight bananza. We have been talking a lot at the gym about adding a body weight only class. 

I love lifting heavy stuff! I know many of you do also and it is extremely important to our fitness. However sometimes it just feels good to get your but kicked without any weight. 

It will also decrease our normal class sizes and utilize the space we have upstairs



Here are our ideas:


A 6:00pm Mon and Wed body weight only class upstairs?????

A 5:30pm class Mon and Wed????

A  Mon-Wed class at 6:00pm??????????




Post thoughts on this as well as your favorite Thanksgiving dish below 


November 14, 2010


I hope everyone is getting ready for the Holiday season.






Our Thanksgiving schedule for next week looks like this:



Mon 11/22  Normal Schedule

Tues 11/23  Normal Schedule including the On Ramp

Wed 11/24  7am and 12pm only, the night classes will be cancelled

Thurs 11/25 No classes for Thanksgiving (please come run the Turkey Trot!!!!!!!!!!!)

Fri 11/26   1 class at 10:00am only

Sat 11/27  9:00am class at CF Mountain View

Sun 11/28  11:00am class at CF Mountain View



Please remember that Carl's Gymnastics seminar is on Saturday at 9:00am 


Please remember to sign up for the Turkey Trot which is on Thanksgiving 


Please remember that our POWER LIFTING Class begins on Tuesday at 7:30pm.


Please note that we are getting new shirts printed. I am working with Reebok right now on it.




Workout for Tomorrow:



1 Set for max reps of Front Squats at your body weight...rest as needed


1 Set for max reps of Back Squats at your body weight


These sets should be simple and straight forward. You place the bar in the front rack position or the back rack position and perform squats to full dept until you absolutely no longer can continue. You will have a spotter and someone there to help you. 

The best results will come for those of you who truly push this. Your legs should be shacking, you should feel a bit light headed (a bit), your body should be craving to put the bar down, hit one more rep and then your all done!



Max Rounds in 3 minutes of:


5 Thruster's @ 155#'s (obviously scalable)

10 Burpees 


Rest 1 minute and repeat for a total of 3 times



November 13, 2010


Carl's Gymnastics seminar is next weekend!


The Turkey Trot is coming up! Please sign up if you want to probably have one of the best Thanksgivings of your life. Seriously it is awesome to run your ass off with some friends and then meet with family to chow down on some food. (Makes me feel less guilty for eating the banana bread my mom makes).



The 9:00am crew rocked it today! Thank you for all of the new friends that came out to check us out.


Labor day




Workout for Tomorrow:



Team Workout with Sal at 11:00am 




November 12, 2010

Don't Forget:


Sign up for the Turkey Trot!!!!! It is an awesome event!

http://svturkeytrot.com/ Nov 25th


Carl's Gymnastics seminar is on Nov 20th



Schedule for Tomorrow:


8:00am Open Gym

9:00am Free intro Class to Crossfit 

10:30am Mobility Class at CFSC 




Workout for Tomorrow:



It'll be a surprise for all of you


(It's Saturday so you know it will be great no matter what it is)





My favorite part of this compliation is at 6:22 check it out....badass!

November 11, 2010

Great workout today at the gym!


Please remember that on Sat at 9:00am we offer a free intro to Crossfit Class



Starting next week we will be adding a POWER LIFTING class to our schedule on Tues Thurs at 7:30pm. Basically this is an excuse for me to lift a ton of heavy stuff with you guys.



Sal wants to compete in Crossfit and I know several of you do as well. Sectionals to qualify for the Crossfit Games will be in March. 

I propose that we set up a Saturday 10:00am competing in Crossfit class where people can get together starting next week. Sound good????




Workout for Tomorrow:



Deadlifting Heavy but concentrating big time on our set up and maintaining proper technique



5 Rounds for time of:


10 Deadlift's @ 225#'s    (Pull)

5 Hand Stand Push Up's    (Push)

10 Ring Row's (these can be adjusted for each person's capability, they should be challenging)        (Pull)



Labor day 034

The 3:30 crew about to get down!

Labor day 035

The 4:30 kids class hitting some tug of war action!

Labor day 036

The 4:30pm class getting wild!

Labor day 037

Crossfit Model.....Josh

Labor day 039

The 6:30pm On Ramp crew getting crazy after a ton of technique work.