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November 21, 2010

Schedule for this week:

Mon 11/22  Normal Schedule
Tues 11/23  Normal Schedule including the On Ramp
Wed 11/24  7am and 12pm only, the night classes will be cancelled
Thurs 11/25 No classes for Thanksgiving (please come run the Turkey Trot!!!!!!!!!!!)
Fri 11/26   1 class at 10:00am only
Sat 11/27  9:00am class at CF Mountain View
Sun 11/28  11:00am class at CF Mountain View


I would like to start sending you guys event/schedule info and more in depth info on What Crossfit is. Please email Jaime if you have not already with your name and email address. Thank you.


Today's class getting down:



The Sunday classes always have a great time doing the team workouts. Make sure to come check one out if you haven't already! 

Couple of ideas floating around:

Starting soon we will begin a body weight only class most likely at 6pm on M/W.

I have heard that some of you want to do the 100 day burpee challenge. I was thinking we could start this next Monday or January 1st?

I would like to do another Paleo challenge, however this one will be a bit different than the last one. I want to start this up January 1st.



Workout for Tomorrow:


Monday Squat time! If you generally do not come in on Monday please make these up. I firmly believe in the squat. If you can learn to squat well, everything else will follow.


Back Squat:

7 sets of 5-8 at a moderate load.

These should be done under control but fast, as soon as you slow down for one second re rack the bar.

Please keep in mind:

Weight in heels
Good lumbar curve
Proper depth
Knees out!
Initiate the movement by sitting slightly back.

Stay tight!!!


Max rounds in 15 minutes of


5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 air squats


Before you begin Cindy you must first complete:

2 rounds of:

30 KB swings @ 2pood
30 double unders




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The new traffic feed on the left is awesome!

I'm writing this from a plane and was wondering what would come up as my location?

Have a great night!!

100 day burpee challenge January 1st, what a great new years resolution.

Wow, that sounds like a great workout!

Cindy! Was thinking about doing her not to long ago... Good Call Jason! Like the added spiciness too.

What are the burpee and Paleo challenges?

Hey Jarod, I'm sure he'll post the info concerning terms of the Paleo (follow a Paleo meal plan and see who produces best physical results, MAYBE). But the burpee challenge goes as follows.. Day 1, do 1 burpee.. Day 2, do 2 burpees... Day 45, 45 burpees.... until the 100th day.... oh, and if u miss a day, u have to make it up the next day.. so, don't miss a day 2 months later :)
Hope this helps!

I love this list! Been looking for something like this. It'd be awesome to have a periodic update, e.g. monthly.

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