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April 21, 2011

Congratulations to Jason and Ashley!!!!!


Ava Elizabeth Khalipa was born at 2:50am on 4/21/11 weighing 9 pounds 7 oz. and 21 inches long!





New members to the muscle up club:









Workout for tomorrow:


Heavy push press



5 rounds for time:

    8 Thrusters 115#/75# (Goal is to go unbroken!!!!!)

    Run 200m






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Already told you on Facebook but congrats again Jason and Ashley! Looks like a beautiful and healthy baby girl

Congrats Jason & Ashley to the newest member of CrossFit Santa Clara/Mountain View!!

Welcome to the world, Ava! Congrats to Mom and Dad!!


Hearty Congrats! She's really adorable.

Congrats Jason and Ashley, its a good thing she looks like Ashley

WOW! Beautiful. Congratulations Jason and Ashley!

Congrats Jason & Ashley! She's beautiful

Looks like the 2033 Games Champ to me! Congratulations!

Wow! She can already snatch more than me?
Congrats family!

Congrats Jason and Ashley! Beautiful little girl

Welcome to the world Baby Girl! Congratulations Jason and Ashley!


CONGRATS JASON & ASHLEY! She's gorgeous. You are blessed. Can't wait to meet her!

Your best accomplishment yet!! Congratulations!!

Miles, you said it well! Congrats Jason and Ashley! What a beautiful blessing! And yes, she is gorgeous!

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