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30 posts from April 2011

April 20, 2011


I hope that everyone enjoyed the workout today! Awesome work with the muscle up skills and pull ups.


Interested in playing Softball for our team?


Please contact Michelle if you are interested in joining the team [email protected]
  * Coed League played at Twin Creeks in Sunnyvale
  * Games are every Wednesday starting 4/27 for 10       weeks
  * Cost: $30



Nutritional Video:


Here is an interesting nutritional information on insulin and body fat and how they are linked.







Workout for tomorrow:


CrossFit Games Open WOD #5


As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:

5 power cleans 145#/100#

10 toes to bar

15 wall ball shots 20# to 10ft target/14# to 9 ft target




April 19, 2011


Jason livin the life in the Bahamas reppin his KI shirt



A huge congratulations to Kimmie for her first Muscle Up!!!! She has worked so hard on this and I am seriously stoked to see it happen. 

Just a note about her Muscle Up....Often times athletes are looking for an easy way to get something. Sometimes it could be as simple as a cue a coach gives you, more times than not though it is through hard work and practice. Kimmie worked her muscle up daily for weeks, hell maybe even months, and that's why she was successful today. Keep this mentality in mind when you are approaching movements that you struggle with.

Photo (54)




Workout for Tomorrow:



Practice the Pull Up and Ring Dip

Have a pull up and ring dip? Practice the Muscle up

Have a Muscle up? Practice a Bar Muscle Up

Have a Bar Muscle Up? Practice a Muscle Up to Hand Stand Push Up

Have a Muscle Up to Hand Stand Push Up? Rest and help other's



5 Rounds for Time of:


3 Wall Climbs

8 Deadlifts @ 225#'s

15 Jumping Air Squats




April 18, 2011

Please remember that May 2nd we will be having a blood drive. Please visit https://www.sbcdonor.org/index.cfm




Welcome to the Muscle Up club gentleman! Who's next? 

Congrats to Oscar and Tim

Photo (51)     

Photo (52)




Workout for Tomorrow:


Heavy Clean and Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1 SET A PERSONAL BEST!



5 Power Cleans @ 185#'s

20 Push Ups

300 meter row 


Perform the above sequence, rest 1 minute and repeat for a total of 4 cycles



April 17, 2011

Everyday I surf the web looking for good information to give you guys. I like simple easy to understand info that is given by a credible source.


Here is a nice write up about food and insulin....






No more messing around!!!


Photo (49)



Workout for Tomorrow:



Practice what you suck at work


Another Crossfit.com Special


The Filthy Fifty



50 Box jump, 24 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood 
50 Walking Lunges
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45 pounds
50 Hip extensions
50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
50 Burpees (with pushup and jump)
50 Double unders


Times should be anywhere from 16-25 minutes tops tomorrow





New Reebok Commercial with a few Crossfitter's in it. 


April 16, 2011

Crossfit Santa Clara and Mountain View have a SOFTBALL team

The first game is 4/27 @ 5:30pm


Please post to comments if you have not signed up and are interested in playing.




Workout for Tomorrow:



11:00am Team Workout with Sal






Some Crossfit Games Open Competition today..awesome!


It is really cool to watch everyone judge and support each other....2 more weeks to go!


Photo (47) Photo (48)

April 15, 2011


Schedule for This Weekend:


Tomorrow is regular Schedule


8:00am Open gym 

9:00am at CFSC

10:30am at CFMV


Sunday...11:00am at CFSC





Brian hitting up a handstand in the Grand Cayman 


Photo (45)

Danny gets his first Muscle Up!



Workout for Tomorrow:


Spicy Saturday time


As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:


7 Power Clean's @ 95#'s

7 Front Squat's @ 95#'s

7 Push Press @ 95#'s


Every minute on the minute perform 3 burpees.





April 14, 2011

The Nor Cal Regionals are coming up in June...please visit


To sign up as a volunteer or to help out in anyway. Thank you!





Schedule for This Weekend:


Tomorrow is regular Schedule

Sat 9:00am at CFSC 10:30am at CFMV


Sunday...11:00am at CFSC





Photo (43)

Jaime warming up the 6:30pm crew

Photo (41)

Rich rockin the Open workout #4...did I mention he is also 41 years old...stud.

Photo (44)

Kevin got his first Muscle Up today...congrats!!!!

Photo (42)

The KI stickers are in and upstairs if you would like one please feel free to grab one.



Workout for Tomorrow:



Deadlift some heavy objects



Team workout involving the rower, prowler, and a barbell that will last about 15 minutes.  



April 13, 2011


 Please remember to sign up for our blood drive on May 2nd!!!!!









Workout for Tomorrow:



3 cycles of:

Front Squat 7 reps

Re-Rack then immediately 

Back Squat 7 reps 


7 SHOULD BE A STRUGGLE (Front squat should probably be the weight determinant)



Option A)   (as perscribed only please) 


Crossfit Games Open Workout 4 

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
60 Bar-facing burpees
30 Overhead squats (120lbs / 55kg)
10 Muscle-ups 


Option B)


As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:

10 Box Jumps 24'

20 sit ups

5 Plate clean's @ 45#'s



April 12, 2011


6am, 7am, 11am, 12pm, 3:30, 4:30, 5:30, 6:30, and 7:30pm classes tomorrow...basically if you don't show up it definitely was not because we didn't offer that class time. 




Crossfit is so much more than just a gym.....It's all about the community! Thank you for being so damn cool. 


My Dad came by tonight, he comes by about once every other week or so to say hello and check up on me. As he was leaving all he could say was..."wow...you guys really have something great going on here." 


I couldn't agree with him more! A Crossfit gym is a place to meet new friends, get some stress out, and get more fit in the process. 


Thank you for making it such a great place. Please let me know if their is anything we can do to make it better.



Speaking of community.....(love Chris in this by the way).




I know many of you want to do the Crossfit Games Open workout #4....we will program this as an optional workout for Thursday. 




Workout for Tomorrow:



Hang Power Snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1 




Crossfit.com Benchmark.... Helen 


3 Rounds for Time of:


Run 400 meters

21 KB Swings 1.5 pood 

12 Pull Ups


Done Helen before? Spice it up a bit..... Go 2 pood KB and Chest to Bar pull ups



April 11, 2011



Please also remember to sign up for the blood drive on May 2nd.



The ladies ruled the 4:30pm crew today.


Photo (39)


Jaime would like me to remind you that we have a limited amount of t-shirts left for sale. Please see him if you would like one. 

Photo (40)




Workout for Tomorrow:


Bent Over Row Heavy (stay tight, slight bend in the knee, pull from the floor to your rib cage. Try not to use any momentum)


Row 250 

20 burpees

10 Ground to overhead @ 185#'s

(Tim and Pat should like this one)


Rest 1 minute and repeat for a total of 4 rounds

These should be all out efforts!!!


Don't get all caught up in the way this guy breaks down the muscle's involved. Bottom line, your lifting a heavy object from right above the floor to your chest....has some functional application for sure.