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May 10, 2011


Awesome day today...a bit low key at night...I think it was because of the Shark's Game.


Please remember that Tomorrow night we have a 7:30pm class.




Photo (84)


Wall climbs with SJPD
Photo (86)

Get to know someone

Photo (88)

The best rest position ever!

Photo (85)

Welcome to the Muscle Up club fella's! Dexter and Dana rockin it today. 

Photo (87)




Workout for Tomorrow:



Please choose one of the strength excercises below with the rep scheme of:


THIS IS THE FOCUS FOR TOMORROW! Take your time here. 




Back squat



Find a partner and lift together, please choose something that you have not done in a while. If you came in on Monday please do not choose back squats.



Prowler Pushes for conditioning 



The Muscle Up:



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