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May 05, 2011





Please keep in mind that the Nor Cal Regionals will be at the Santa Clara fairgrounds June 3rd-5th...

Volunteers would be awesome!!!


1. Go to Facebook
2. Search for: CrossFit Games - NorCal Regional
3. First click the "like" button  :)
4. Click on the Volunteer link (on upper left under the red games logo!)


Please also keep in mind that the superbowl of Crossfit....The Crossfit Games will be July 29th-31st in Carson CA. at the Home Depot Center. 


Congratulations Faisal and Family!



Faisal and his family were blessed with a son this past Monday. Ziyad Khan was born at 5:20am, after a speedy 20 min. delivery, and weighed in at 6lbs. 11 oz.  Mom, baby, and elder sister Nuha are doing well.  Dad is trying to figure
out which way is up.



Another congraulations to Blair for getting her first Muscle Up!!!

Photo (72)



I give Max a hard time sometimes but he is truly a dedicated Crossfitter and great guy. Here is what we saw today.




Workout for Tomorrow:


Choose a gymnastics piece and work it:


Try and get a Bar Muscle Up

Try and get a Muscle Up

Try and get a HSPU

Try and get a Handstand walk

Try and get a pistol 



Max rounds in 3 minutes of:


10 SDHP's @ 95#'s

50 foot sprint 


Rest 1 minute and repeat for a total of 4 rounds



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Happy Birthday, Jaime!

Congrats to Faisal, Mom and baby Ziyad!!

Blair, congrats to you too on your MU! :-)

While you are on Facebook be sure to like the new KI Athletics page *cough*jason*cough* http://www.facebook.com/KIAthletics

Happy Birthday Jaimie! And congrats Blair, that is a sassy muscle up pic

Congrats to Blair and Happy Birthday to Jaime. Cheers!

Happy Birthday Jaime! I haven't forgotten about the software. It is on order and should be here in about a week..... or so. Yes, I have been working out, but at MV for the past month.

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