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May 27, 2011


Please remember that on Monday we will only have a class at 12:00pm in observance of Memorial Day. 



Quick additional note about Fish Oil that I forgot to mention and was brought to my attention:


Fish Oil can go rancid.   If the oil is dark in color, meaning dark yellow then the oil is considered rancid and will actually raise bad cholesterol levels and your defeating the purpose.  It should be a light straw color, to clear and thin in consistency. This also goes for Flax seed oils as well.  If you take the gel pills, then one should break one open from time to time and check the color and efficacy of the oil to make sure that it's not bad.  

Many places store fish oil for a long time before you actually get it, check the quality of your fish oil. 




The Crossfit Games Regionals have begun....next weekend our team will be competing as well as a few individuals. To purchase tickets please visit http://games.crossfit.com/regionals/tickets/77


They are only $25 for the weekend. 


If you would like to volunteer please let me know asap.



 Reebok Crossfit Games Australia Regional 



Workout for Tomorrow:



I did this one a few days ago and just cen't resist letting you guys try it. 


1 minute on 1 minute off for 5 rounds of:

5 SDHP's

5 Thrusters @ 95#'s


Yup, thats right....just 5 minutes of work. Come in and hit it hard, go home happy, and chow down on some good Saturday cheat food. 




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