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June 21, 2011

Please keep in mind that we now have a 7:30pm class Mon-Thurs.



Awesome pic that Tim sent me of his daughter at a Rodeo recently. 



A couple of ways to open up the shoulder:


Photo Photo Photo



Workout for Tomorrow:


3 Rounds for time of:


5 Shoulder Press @ 135#'s

20 Double Under's


The goal of this workout is to develop some pressing strength and also work on your coordination. The press should be challenging!









You guys didn't think that was it did you?



5 Rounds for time of:


Run 400 meter's

30 Wall Ball Shots


All Wall Balls should be unbroken......dropping the ball is a penalty and you must begin your wall balls over again.


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Is there only 6 or 7am classes in the morning?

Yes, what would you like to see.

How was that bear lick in your ear Karo?

Haha he's wispering secrets to me. 30 wallballs in a row is crazy

we very little thought that we also have anything. Regarding loses. Defective has actually never forgotten.therefore said. Ascends the sky for must enable us to have the visible ability. Has arranged the curriculum which each kind loses.

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