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June 29, 2011

6 and 7 am'rs get ready to jump start the day...I'll see you guys in a little bit.




Quick little game of.....


Guess that member (blury man below).


The first and 11th comment will receive a free t-shirt of some kind. 


We should have a new GOOD LOOKING t-shirt ready for the Games at the end of this month. 


 Isaias down in LA at Crossfit Merge. Here is a pic with the Bryce the owner and Isaias' brother.



Classes getting crazy tonight!




Getting more fit and a tan...nice.






Workout for Tomorrow:



Bench Press (yup I know I know we never bench). 


Presses in any direction will improve your overall pressing strength. Plus you never know when you may get stuck under a car or have to push a bully away....benching can help. Not to mention for those of you who care it is beach season. 



Complete max reps of a clean and jerk in 1 minute, immediately after the minute is over hold a hollow rock for 30 seconds....rest 1 minute and repeat for a total of 5 cycles. 

The penalty for breaking the hollow rock in the 30 second time frame is 1 400 meter run. The run (possibly runs) are to be done after the workout is over. 


The weight should be challenging but movable. 


I'll explain why I put this video up in class




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Andy. He killed the workout at 5:30 today

Can't wait for some bench press. I'll bring the belt, neoprene stretch shirt, and two-by-fours. Somebody make sure to slap me when I'm in the zone..

Oh and that's Andy.

That had to be Andy! I miss him!

Bumping the comments number so that someone will win a shirt! :)

That's Andy

Can't believe no one is going for the 2nd T-shirt

Or is it that everyone is waiting for the 10 comments

At this rate - I will get the T-shirt, Right Jason?

BTW, Jason, How come you don't have something similar for CFMN?

One more and I get the T-shirt?

There you go - Just give me the T-shirt

Dang it! He did say "first and 11th comment"

Ummm handy Andy hello??!!!! Yay

Ummm... Narayan, you cheatin?

Btw, Jason, Jenn put out a notice re the 20% discount at Sports Basement but didn't disclose the date. Time was between 6-8 pm (I'm assuming..) but for which date? Thanks.


I knew it was Andy!

Not counting Narayan's comment spree, this would be the 11th to correctly guess Andy. Just uh, throwing that out there....

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