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30 posts from June 2011

June 20, 2011

Schedule Updates:


Mobility Class is Back! This Sat at 10am


We have 7:30pm classes Mon-Thurs now





Speaking of the Muscle Up, Congratulations to Jess on her first MU!







Workout for Tomorrow:



Clean for doubles at a moderately heavy weight



15 Minute AMRAP of:


5 Deadlifts @ 225

10 KB Swings @ 2 pood

20 Jumps over the bar....one is one
















June 19, 2011


This weekend we will have a normal schedule. We are not having a cert....I read my calendar wrong



Workout for Tomorrow:


Jaime's Birthday was May 7th. Today it was brought up that I never had a birthday workout for him but simply wished him a happy birthday. So to clear the air about this....here it is:


Pistol practice 

HandStand Push Up practice (Jaime loves both)


Fran with a twist


21 Thrusters

 21 Pull Ups

Sprint 200 meter's

15 Thrusters

15 Pull Ups

Sprint 200 meter's

9 Thrusters

9 Pull Ups

Sprint 200 meter's


Here's the catch:


For each time you drop the bar or drop off the bar during this workout you owe 10 Burpees with a maximum of 50 available.

Quick way to work on your Pistol:


Photo Photo

June 18, 2011

Please keep in mind that the Crossfit Games are July 29th-31st. I would highly recommend to find a few other members to ride down with. Hotels are all over the place, we are staying in Torrance. 


The event will be awesome and a really motivating experience. If you are interested in going let's start a little sign up sheet on the whiteboard to see if we can put together some carpooling.


The CrossFit Games




The CrossFit Games are the world’s premier test to find the fittest on Earth. The Games season is a grueling multi-stage journey that culminates in the 2011 Reebok CrossFit Games on July 29-31 at the Home Depot Center in Carson, California.

Fitness means being ready for the unknown and unknowable, so the workouts change every year and are not announced until just before the events start. For more information, see the History of the Games.

What is CrossFit?
CrossFit is an evidence-based fitness program. We define fitness as increased work capacity across broad time and modal domains. Capacity is the ability to do real work, which should be measurable. Life is unpredictable (much more so than sport), so real world fitness must be broad and not specialized. Our workouts are designed to maximize this broad, inclusive fitness.

Stage One: The CrossFit Games Open
This year, the Games season began with the 2011 Reebok CrossFit Games Open, a six-week online competition with one workout per week. The Open started on March 15 and ran through to May 1. Over 26,000 athletes from around the world took part. Athletes could do the workouts at their local affiliate, or film their attempt from their garage gym.All scores and videos were submitted to the Open website, allowing athletes to track how they matched up with athletes in their region and around the world.

The athletes were divided into three categories: Individual, Team, and Masters. For the first time in Games history, the Masters category includes four age divisions: 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, and 60 plus. Masters athletes competed to be among the fittest 20 athletes in their division, and the successful few earned a spot in the 2011 Reebok CrossFit Games.

Individual athletes and teams must progress through two stages of screening before reaching the Games: the Open and Regionals. Anyone can compete in the Open, but only the fittest 60 men, 60 women, and 30 teams from each of the world’s 17 regions are invited to compete at their Regional.

Stage Two: Regionals
Over the course of three days, the Regionals will run their athletes through a brutal combination of workouts to test the breadth of the athletes’ physical and mental capacities. Here athletes will give their all--for at the end of the weekend, no more than three men, three women, and three teams will be invited to the Games.  

Each weekend from May 27 and June 19, CrossFit HQ will hold Regional competitions for the 17 regions of the world. First up, we have Australia, Canada West, Australia, North Central and South East (May 27-29). Next, it’s Northern California, Mid Atlantic, Europe, and Canada East (June 3-5). Third, it’s Africa, Asia, North West, South West, and Central East (June 10-12). Last, we have the North East, Latin America, Southern California, and South Central (June 17-19).

The format of the 2011 Regionals will be similar to last year. Athletes and spectators will gather at one venue--and watch as the competitors hit the workouts in heats and are judged by Level 1 trainers. As interest in the sport of fitness has increased so has the size of the venues. This year, Regional competitions will be held at a variety of different venues such as Navy Pier in Chicago and the Oakland Farm and Ranch in Tomball, Texas.

Regionals are the first stage of live competition. Seeing athletes from around the region come together to compete head-to-head gives Regionals a whole different flavor from the Open. We will be providing constant coverage of the Regional competition so that fans who are unable to attend will be kept up to date. 

Stage Three: The Games
The 2011 Reebok CrossFit Games will be held at the Home Depot Center in Carson, California for the second consecutive year. The ultimate test begins on Friday, July 29th and doesn’t stop until Sunday, July 31st.

At the center of the arena, the Games competitors will have to prove that they are not only fit but capable of handling the unknown. No one knows what the events will be. Every year the events are different. The best movements to test for fitness are a combination of gymnastics, powerlifting, Olympic lifting, jumping rope, climbing ropes, lengthy runs, and a vast amount of pure grunt work such as getting sandbags over a wall. But athletes never know what is required. In 2008, there was the hill. In 2009, there was the spike drive. In 2010, athletes had to do ring handstand push-ups and clear the 12-foot wall. 
Only one thing is certain, each athlete will be thoroughly tested on their journey to be named the fittest man and fittest woman on Earth.

Fans from around the world will be able to keep up through our constant coverage and live streaming of the events. 



Workout for Tomorrow:



11:00am Team Workout with Sal


June 17, 2011


Schedule for Tomorrow:


Open gym at 7:30am 

Class at 9:00am




Workout for Tomorrow:



I will come up with something fun!





Foam rolling not hard enough? Step it up a notice and work as a team. 


June 16, 2011

Starting next week we will have 7:30pm class Mon-Thurs


Next weekend our gym will be shut down due to a Level 1 Certification.


Tomorrow Carl of Crossfit San Francisco and Gymnascticswod.com will be hanging out at 8am to coach me up on some stuff if you would like to come by and learn a bit.




Workout for Tomorrow:


We haven't really gone long this week. So here it is:


4 Rounds for time of:


Run 400 meters

5 Rounds of Cindy (Cindy is 5 Pull Ups, 10 Push Ups, 15 Squats)



Rick using his "coaches eye"



The Front Squat


June 15, 2011


Awesome job today guys!


A quick Pic of Kedar:


Let's take a quick look at this pic....

There are a long of things we may be able to say. Yes the bar may be a bit out front, maybe his hips don't fully open at the right time....However what I am looking at is his head position. If I had taken this picture a second later Kedar's head would be at an even more extreme position from what I saw. 

The issue is that Kedar is whipping his head. Essentially taking him out of a strong neutral spine position. I too have this same issue.

The best way I have found to fix this is to simply set my head and look at something in front of me and keep it set their the entire lift. Many of you will notice huge gains from simply fixing this issue. 






Workout for Tomorrow:



Front Squat Heavy for 3 Reps

Back Squat the same weight for 5 reps right after  

Repeat this cycle 5 times



Quick Burner! 



Thruster @ 95#'s




June 14, 2011


Looks like starting next week we will be adding a 7:30pm class Mon-Thursday 




Now lets talk "Set Up" (please excuse grammar mistakes as usual)


Take a look at Rick in his "Pre Set Up Position" 


Now take a look at Rick's (Set Up Position...aka ready to drive the hell out of the bar position)


In addition to all of the points of performance we talk about all the time such as weight in your heels, back tight...etc. What I really want you to understand is how long he actually holds this position for. If you talk to most powerlifters or olympic lifters they will most likely tell you that they "set and go!" I notice that a lot of you like to get set and sit down their for a long time. This is definitely not what we are looking for. WHY?

Bottom line....you can not hold your most tight and ready position for a long period of time at all. 

Please notice that the 1st picture has Rick in a relaxed position, this gives him an opportunity to set his feet and hands. Once he feels ready to go...its on! It's on means that he takes a deep breathe in, sets his back hard, pulls in to the bar tightening up his upper back and lats and gets ready to explode. The position I want to see Rick in can only be held for a very short period of time. Each of you has probably felt this before when a coach touches your lower back and ques you to tighten it up. It's easy to do for a second but challenging to do for a long period of time. 

To sum this all up. Set your feet and hands, chill out, once you are ready to go.....assume your "set" position and GO!




Chillin out



Workout for Tomorrow:



Sprint Work (yes it has to get done)

8   60 meter sprints (its only 60 guys)



Max Rounds in 7 minutes of:

5 Power Snatches @ 135#'s (must receive in a quarter squat)

10 Sit Ups 


Max Rounds in 7 Minutes of:

1 Prowler Push 

10 KB swings @ 2 pood


Pick either one you want to go first....just hit it hard!


June 13, 2011


Great work tonight on the snatch.


Please remember that today was focusing on pull two and three. 

Tomorrow we will be focusing on Pull 1. Lets remember that pull 1 is simply a positioning pull to get you from the floor to your jumping position at mid thigh aka the pockets. 



Workout for Tomorrow:



Snatch grip Deadlifts heavy! Remember that on the snatch unlike the powerlifting deadlift we are looking for more of a "squat" starting position. 


Are you ever going to snatch what you can deadlift? The answer should be no....therefore it is not as important to engage our hamstrings for a stronger pull as it is to set ourselves in a good position to jump. This position comes from a more squat like deadlift position....we then maintain this position until we hit mid thigh...then the jump begins and the hips extend. 



Row 250 meter's hard!


4 rounds of:

20 Push Press w/ 45#'s

20 Back Squats w/45#'s

20 Behind the Neck Push Presses w/45's


Row 250 meter's hard!




A different way to use the bands and work your abs a bit




Chalk Chalk Chalk.....lately guys the chalk has been getting a bit messy. Please try and keep it in the bucket. Thank you very much!







Please remember about Adam Saucedo. He will be putting on a clinic for "Breaking through Mental Barriers in Crossfit" 

I would highly recommend you guys to check him out or contact him if you are interested. He can really help you to mentally push and hopefully reach your Crossfit goals more quickly. 


Adam Saucedo, M.A.
Sport & Exercise Psychology Consultant
(408) 690-2051
[email protected]



June 12, 2011

I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! 




Jojo out and about reppin the KI shirt


Austin working with pro powerlifter Mark Bell on his box squat. Mark took all of the trainers through a lifting session, I was happy to be a part of it!

It seems like every time I work a certification I learn something new, I have a few tricks up my sleeve for this week's classes.



One of my new favorite snacks. I found these at Crossfit Pleasanton this weekend....they're awesome! Give some a try as a quick snack.



Workout for Tomorrow:


This week is Snatch week....everyday we will do some type of snatch


We will be performing the Hang Squat Snatch. This is a useful tool to learn how to get under the bar. In addition, many of you get messed up when starting from the floor....tomorrow we will start higher to hopefully get a few of you to understand the 2nd and 3rd pulls. More on that tomorrow!





Hang Squat Snatch  95#'s

Pull Up 


Immediately after sprint 400 meters


This should be a fast intense workout!


June 11, 2011

Haven't been in the gym in a while?


Making up every excuse possible why you can't?


Check out Sam...A participant at the Crossfit Certification I am working this weekend. He is 66 yrs old and rocking it. Yes guys thats a legit kipping pull up, I watched him do 8 in a row today. 




Stop thinking of reasons not to come in and simply walk in the door, we will take care of the rest.



Workout for Tomorrow:



Team workout at 11:00am with Sal