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June 30, 2011

Congratulations to our t-shirt winners. 


Upcoming Schedule:




10:00am Mobility....Mike and a few others will also being doing the Crossfit Total (try it out!)



11:00am Team Workout 


Monday (4th of July)


10:00am only



Tired? Hungry? and need a quick meal....make your way to Whole Foods.

Grab a quick bag of veggies (already pre-cut is easy) I also grabbed a tomato, I love them.

Grab 3/4 or so pound of Salmon (preferably wild and not farmed)

Grab an Avocado!


There you have it....a perfect blend of protein, fat, and carb's for you. 




How we settle business predicaments at CFSC. 


I told Jaime and Rick I would get them watches a long time ago for some things they helped me with. Just so happened I got two different colors.....whats the best way to battle out for what color you get? Yes that's right, L Sit Pull Ups.




Workout for Tomorrow:



Mobility and stretching 


Perform the following for time:


Row 500 meter's

30 Toes to Bar

20 Deadlift's @ 225 (unbroken for sure)

10 HSPU's


Rest as needed and repeat.




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what do you mean repeat?

Simply repeat one time.

what do you mean simply unbroken...

No incentives - comments drastically reduce eh?

I think Jason means 3 rounds! Drastic Indeed :)

Jason, are you programming a Hero for July 4th? :)

My daughter, Sabrina (new member of CFSC), shot this video during our benchmark workout on Wednesday...


That's my jam in the video!

nice job on the video Sabrina!

bomb meal! literally making it right now...

what did you season the salmon with?

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